I finished my Bachelor’s Degree with a Triple Majors!
Yes, you heard that right. A triple majors :D
From the day I started college to this day, whenever I am asked “What are you studying?”- I proudly answer “Triple Majors in Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science” every time. And the look of shock and bewilderment turned into confusion is worth it, every time :P
Not a lot of people are aware of the concept of doing triple majors in India. And that is partly the reason why I am writing this article. The major reason is the fact I wrote my very last Bachelor’s degree exam almost a week ago and I am ecstatic. I did it. I made it to the end and how sweet this journey has been.
As someone who loves asking the most obscure questions, is always lost in thoughts about unthinkable things and constantly wondering about what the world means, you’d think pursuing this degree was such an obvious choice.
But it wasn’t and I wasn’t ready to accept that when I was 18. Serendipity makes sense to 21-year-old Jasleen but 18-year-old Jasleen? She was stubborn as hell and had a lot to learn. (Sidenote- I still am, maybe a little less, and still have a lot to learn.)
Unlike the popular notions that I had about college life, no two days are the same when you are on your own in the world, let alone 3 years.
The 3 years of my bachelor’s degree were all unique, exciting, and hard in their own ways. Now that they have come to an end, I can clearly see what they signified and I just want to capture this realization and remember it. (Yay, Medium!)
The first year was all about what my degree was all about and justifying my choices to myself AND to people around me. ( Cool senior advice to all the current students out there- If it feels right, keep doing it. And even if you feel like you made the wrong choice, own it and improve. Life has a lot to offer. I promise.)
Coming back to what a triple majors is, it is just like an honors degree that we have in India but offered for three subjects. As far as my information goes, colleges in Karnataka are the only ones who offer this kind of Bachelor’s degree. (If you want some names, hit me up!)
I started interning in my first year itself and completed 7 internships by the time I graduated! (Psst- The next article will be about how I managed to do that, so keep an eye out :D)
Soon enough, things started feeling amazing, the Bangalore weather finally started agreeing with me and so did my grades :P
But lo and behold, the pandemic came into the picture and ruined all pre-made plans. I still remember the day I made the decision to head back home on an impulse and not realizing that I would never go back into the same place(physically and mentally) ever again.
Coming back to your childhood home after living alone for a while is a huuuge deja vu. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. I felt myself slip back into patterns I had as a kid because of the sense of familiarity at home.
Took me a while to break it and I am kinda proud to say, I didn’t look back after it. Here I am after a year of online learning, writing this, and having achieved a bunch of things.
It sure would have been easier to have given up and blamed anyone but myself. But you know what feels even better? Making a promise to yourself and keeping it.
The day I left home when I was 18, I swore I would be different. Live differently. Feel differently. Love differently. Work differently. And honor the different path I was taking.
And today, if I sit down and list out the things I have achieved-
as a woman
as a woman of color
as a woman from a non-tech background
as a woman who started living alone at the age of 18
I have to say I did a pretty good job :D
And there is so much more yet to come- things to do, places to visit and experiences to be lived out. And I for one, absolutely cannot wait for it.
Signing off with the cheesy, “If I can do it, so can you!”
Stay tuned for a couple of more honest, deep and real articles about my life if you liked reading this!
Find me on my socials if you wish to come say hi- https://linktr.ee/jasleen101010